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  • How to apply for a leave?
    Apply for a leave Go to the leaves tab. Click on the Apply sub menu. Fill in the necessary information and click on submit. Now the leave application is created and can be approved or rejected by the HR.
  • How to view leave reports?
    To obtain the leave report of employees (Administrative action) Go to the leaves tab in theHRway. Go to Reports sub-menu and choose the Leave Entitlements and usage report option. Click on generate to bring back a company wide leave usage report. Using the filtering, we can also generate the reports for an individual employee. Alternatively, a person (does not have to be an administrative action) can view their own leave usage report by selecting the My Leave Entitlements and usage report option from the Reports submenu.
  • How to add leave types
    How to add and edit Leave Types. Log in using your HR administrator account. Go to Leaves tab. Go to the Configure sub menu and select select Leave Types. Once we are on the Leave Types tab, we then click on the Add button. Enter the name of your leave type and select if its a situational leave or not. Click save to save your leave type.
  • How to add holidays?
    How to add holidays in theHRway Go to the leave tab on the website. Select the Holidays option from the Configure drop down sub-menu. Click on the Add and fill in the details. Once done click save and the holiday should now appear in the holiday list.
  • How to set up company departments?
    How to create a department in theHRway Go to the Admin tab. Select the Organization sub menu and from the list choose Structure. In here make sure that edit is enabled and after that click on the add button. Then we can fill in the Id and the name of the department, but also a description if needed. Once we hit save the department would now be visible in the structure page. Video Guide :
  • How to set up company designations?
    To create Job Titles(Designations) Go to Admin tab. Select Job titles from the job sub menu. Click Add button on the top right corner. Add the name of the job title and click save. It should now appear in the job titles sub menu page.
  • How to add employees?
    Adding Employees Go to the People tab. Select the Employee List submenu. To add a single employee, we can click on the Add button and fill in the details. Once done click save to add the employee, and they must be visible in the employee list tab now. To add multiple employees, we can import an excel sheet (.csv). (Upto a 100 employees.) Go to Data Import option from the Configuration submenu. Download the template by clicking the blue download Hyperlink from the Note section. Fill in the csv with the required data and click the upload button. Make sure that all the dates are in YYYY-MM-DD format *IMPORTANT* NOTE Column order should not be changed First Name and Last Name are compulsory All date fields should be in YYYY-MM-DD format If gender is specified, value should be either Male or Female Each import file should be configured for 100 records or less Multiple import files may be required Video Guide :
  • How to add part-time work week?
    Video Guide:
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